level the score中文什么意思

发音:   用"level the score"造句
把比分拉平, 打平
  • level:    n. 1.水平仪,水准仪;水准测量。 ...
  • score:    n. 1.?痕,截痕,刻痕,划线;痕 ...
  • level score:    得分相等
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  1. She needs to win this point to level the score
  2. The right back hit a true volley into the bottom corner and levelled the scores within two minutes of the scott ' s opener
  3. It is no doubt a way of levelling the scores for the humiliations which they are often forced to undergo at the hands of the men they see every day
  4. The second period saw england force themselves into the contest through some assured build up and considered through balls , and rachel yankey in particular had three chances to level the scores
    英格兰队在下半场通过加强控球耐心组织进攻, ,特别是蕾切尔妍吉有三次机会扳平比分。
  5. Newcastle almost levelled the scores within seconds as martins sprung the offside trap but senderos slid in to clear the ball just before it crossed the line with fabianski well beaten


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